Career Survival: Stay Viable in a Future Dominated by Artificial Intelligence
On Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 8:30am US Central Time (GMT-5), I am giving this well-received and often eye-opening presentation.
We will cover:
1) Artificial Intelligence in the workplace and its impact on human jobs
2) What Artificial Intelligence is – and what it isn’t
3) How you can stay current
This presentation is through the Microsoft ConnectEd series. The event is free but registration is required; here is the sign-up link:
I hope you will join me.
Career Survival: Stay Viable in a Future Dominated by Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. The cell phone in your hand, the Alexa in your kitchen, and soon even the car your drive–are all using Artificial Intelligence to improve your life.
So what’s the fear? Thousands of jobs are being replaced and entire businesses are at risk.
In this talk we will explore real-world uses of AI today, industries in peril, and actions you can take now to prepare yourself.
Jumpstart your understanding of AI and discover how you can retool your career and accelerate your future partnering with Artificial Intelligence.
Speaking on behalf of Cohort 17 at our our graduation from Goldman-Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses (New Orleans), July 2019
The Future of AI/ML in Web Site Hosting (cPanel conference 2018)
With its ability to recognize patterns amidst large amounts of data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence can provide faster resolution to common – and not so common – hosting issues.
From server configuration adjustments to email deliverability, ML and AI offer sysadmins and end-users what they want: fast resolutions and even the ability to anticipate and resolve problems before they happen.
Over the past 35 years, Jack Reiner has a track record in seeing the shift before it happens. Mr. Reiner spent 7 years with NASA as a software developer and sysadmin in the Space Shuttle program. This included developing Artificial Intelligence for NASA in the early 1990’s for support of the loading of the cryogenic liquid hydrogen fuel into the Space Shuttle External tank on the launch pad. Mr. Reiner started an Internet company in 1996 that is still in business today and in the mid 1980’s he learned the value in anticipating technology advancements and embracing change. He has presented at both the local and national level to industry conferences, business groups, tech meetups and to youth at schools and Scout meetings. Jack enjoys swimming, bicycling, and backpacking, and he recently completed the C.O.P.E. high-ropes course. He is the father of four children and lives in the festive city of New Orleans.